Monday, November 26, 2007

Finding The "Perfect" Home Based Business

We have found the perfect home-based business for us. There are so many businesses advertised on TV, radio, and the internet but we have decided on a proven, legitimate business where we can truly work from home in our "jammies." We found a business that is simple and duplicatable and where we can be financially rewarded for our hard work.

1. We can truly work from home.
Most of the "work" is on the telephone and at the computer. Of course, there are trips to the bank and post office, but we can still make our our own hours and wear whatever we want.

2. There is a real product!
Cheia Vida Slim and Cheia Vida are REAL products. Even better, the weight loss system works and the Cheia Vida really makes you feel better. Many online opportunities involve schemes that don't really involve a real product with a real value.

3. It is legitimate.
This is especially important to us. There are probably thousands of get-rich-quick schemes and businesses out there. We were seeking a business that has a track record and that will be around for a long time to come.

4. We can make a lot of money
Bottom line - The reason we are working is to make money. Alive Worldwide has a Dual Line structure. Every associate has two positions under them, the right team and the left team. These teams can literally grow downward to infinity. If you read about the "evils" of a binary system, this Dual-Line system has resolved those problems to make sure associates get all the money that is due to them.

5. It is simple and duplicatable.
NOTHING could be simpler. To become an associate, you simply have to buy any of the specially designed starter options (products). You can spend literally as little as $32! Best of all, the products are awesome. If for any reason you are not happy, they also have a money-back guarantee. So there is NOTHING TO LOSE!

The Vida Secret is an optional marketing system that will help you EXPLODE your business. The initial cost is $39.95, then it is $19.95 per month after that. You will receive $20 for every one of your prospects or personally sponsored associates that upgrades to the powerline. This will not only let your business pay for itself, but also provide another source of income.

To learn more about this AWESOME opportunity, go to

To find out more about the business opportunity, the products, and the athletes and celebrities that endorse Cheia Vida, go to